Using Automated Planning for Sensorweb Response

Steve Chien  
Ashley Davies
Daniel Tran
Benjamin Cichy
Gregg Rabideau
Rebecca Castano
Rob Sherwood
Jeremy Jones
Sandy Grosvenor
Dan Mandl
Stuart Frye
Seth Shulman
Stephen Ungar
Thomas Brakke
Jacques Descloitres
Chris Justice
Rob Sohlberg
Rob Wright
Luke Flynn
Andy Harris
Robert Brakenridge
Sebastien Cacquard
Ronald Greeley
Thomas Doggett
Victor Baker
James Dohm
Felipe Ip


A recent explosion in availability of timely satellite data has resulted in operational systems that track wildfires, floods, and volcanic activity worldwide. This paper describes efforts to link these science event detection systems with an automated response system to retarget remote sensing assets to observe these important but transient science events. Of course, automated mission planning is a key element of the overall tracking and response system. We describe the current prototype system which utilizes the Earth Observing One spacecraft, MODIS flying on Terra and Aqua, QuickSCAT, GOES, and AVHRR platforms as well as future plans for expansion.

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