IWPSS 2011
June 8th - 10th 2011
ESA      Congrex - ESA's Professional Conference Organiser 21-May-2011
Workshop Organization

IWPSS 2011

Workshop Proceedings


Invited Talks


                Invited talk

                D.E. Smith

                NASA Ames Research Centre


                Invited talk

                Gerhard Schwehm




Technical session 1A


                On-board Decision-Making on Data Downloads               

                Verfaillie, G.1; Infantes, G.1; Lemaître, M.1; Théret, N.2;  Natolot, T.2

                1ONERA; 2CNES

                Commentator: Robert Hawkins


                Automated Scheduling for TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X          

                Lenzen, C.1; Wörle M.T. 1; Mrowka, F.1; Geyer, M.P.1; Klaehn, R.2

                1German Space Operation Center; 2Heavens Above

                Commentator: Bradley Clement


                A Local Search Solution for the INTEGRAL Long Term Planning  

                Kitching, M.; Policella, N.

                European Space Agency

                Commentator: Gerard Verfaillie



Technical session 1B


                Automated Scheduling for NASA's Deep Space Network             

                Johnston, M.; Tran, D.


                Commentator: Bruno Sousa


                Herschel Mission Planning Software     

                Gomez-Alvarez, P1; Brumfitt, J2; Villacorta, A1; Garcia-Lario, P1; Lorente, R1

                1ESA; 2ESAC

                Commentator:  Jeremy Frank


                Enhanced Redundant Scheduling Capability for Low Cost Ground  Station Networks           

                Schmidt, M.; Schilling, Klaus

                University of Wuerzburg


               Evaluation of the Mars Express Planning and Scheduling Approach Over the Lifetime of the Mission    

                Rabenau, E.1; Denis, M.2

                1NOVA Space Associates Ltd; 2ESOC



Technical session 2A


                Massaging the Plan with the Language for Mission Planning     

                Teixeira de Sousa, B.


                Commentator: Mark Johnston


               The Challenge of Configuring Model-Based Space Mission Planners     

Frank, J.D.1; Clement, Bradley J.2; Chachere, John M.3; Smith, Tristan B.4; Swanson, Keith1

1 NASA Ames Research Center; 2NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; 3SGT Inc.; 4MCT Inc.;

                Commentator: Simone Fratini


                A Status Report on the Development of the JWST Long Range Planning System             

                Giuliano, M.; Hawkins, R.; Rager, R.

                Space Telescope Science Institute

                Commentator: Nicola Policella



Technical session 2B


                Towards a Visual Tool for Swath Acquisition Planning in Multiple-Mission EOSs                

                Galan-Vioque, J.1; Vazquez, R.1; Carrizosa, E.1; Vera, C.1; Perea, F.2; Martin Crespo, F.3

1University of Sevilla; 2Politechnical University of Valencia; 3Taitus Software


                Finding Mutual Exclusion Invariants in Temporal Planning Domains      

                Bernardini, S.1; Smith, D. E.2

                1University of London; 2NASA Ames Research Center


                Scheduling Results for the THEMIS Observation Scheduling Tool             

McLaren, D.1; Rabideau, G.1; Chien, S.1; Knight, R.1; Anwar, S.2; Mehall, G.2; Christensen, P.2

1Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology; 2School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University


               Constraint programming for optimising satellite validation plans           

                Maillet, C.1; Verfaillie, G.2; Cabon, B.1

                1Astrium; 2ONERA


               Options for Parallelizing CASPER for a Mesh Processor

                Clement, B.; Estlin, T.; Bornstein, B.

                Jet Propulsion Laboratory


               Building a really Executable Plan for a Constellation of Agile Earth Observation Satellites      

                Verfaillie, G.1; Grasset-Bourdel, R.1; Flipo, A.2

                1ONERA; 2CNES



Technical session 2C


                Static and Dynamic Models of Observation Toward Earth by Agile Satellite Coverage            

                Lian, Zhenyu; Tan, Yuejin; Xu, Yifan; Li, Jufang

                National University of Defense Technology


               Designing Noise-Minimal Rotorcraft Trajectories            

                Morris, R1; Venable, K2; Lindsey, J3

1Ames Research Center; 2University of Padova; 3Monterey Technologies


               Scheduling Onboard Processing for the Proposed HyspIRI Mission         

                Chien, S.1; Mclaren, D.1; Rabideau, G.1; Mandl, D.2; Hengemihle, J.3

1Jet Propulsion Laboratory; 2NASA Gooddard Space Flight Center; 3Microtel, LLC


               Pleiades Programming: Towards a biggest Reactivity    

                Lachiver, J.M.



                Innovative Rover Operations Concepts - Autonomous Planning: Keeping a Dog on the Lead      

                Steel, R.1; Hoffman, A.1; Cimatti, A.2; Roveri, M.2; Kapellos, K.3;  Donati, A.4; Policella, N.4

                1VEGA Space GmbH; 2Fondazione Bruno Kessler; 3TRASYS; 4ESA-ESOC


Panel Session:

           "Prospects for a standard timeline representation and API for space mission operations"

                 Chien, S.1, Frank, J.D. 2, Cesta, A. 3, Policella, N. 4;

                1Jet Propulsion Laboratory; 2NASA Ames Research Center; 3ISTC-CNR; 4ESA-ESOC



Technical session 3A


                Planning for an Ocean Global Surveillance Mission        

                Pralet, C.1; Verfaillie, G.1; Olive, X.2; Rainjonneau, S.2; Sebbag, I.3

                1ONERA; 2TAS; 3CNES

                Commentator: Steve Chien


               Supporting Increment Planning Processes within the ULISSE Framework         

                Orlandini, A.1; Cesta, A.2; Fratini, S.2; Rasconi, R.2

                1ITIA-CNR; 2ISTC-CNR

                Commentator: Derek Long


               Multi-Objective Scheduling for the Cluster II Constellation       

                Johnston, M.1; Giuliano, M.2

                1JPL/CalTech; 2Space Telescope Science Institute

                Commentator: Roman Bartak and Philippe Laborie



Technical session 3B


                P&S Requirements for ePartner-supported Astronaut-Rover Teams during Planetary Surface Operations      

                Grant, T.J.1; Neerincx, M.A.2; Wolff, M.3

                1Science & Technology b.v.; 2TNO Human Factors; 3ESA ESTEC

                Commentator: Amedeo Cesta


               Developer Tools for Evaluating Multi-Objective Algorithms      

                Giuliano, M1; Johnston, M2

                1Space Telescope Science Institute; 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory

                Commentator: Alessandro Donati

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